Coal City High School is calling on you


Coaler graduates who have served or are serving in the United States military are invited to join the Coal City High School Hall of Heroes. Located in the administrative wing of the high school, the Hall of Heroes features the military portraits of Coalers who have gone on to serve the county in the armed forces. St. Juvin Post 1336 Veterans of Foreign Wars have contributed to the display with a custom American Flag painting and wooden wall plaques representing each branch of service. Veterans and military personnel who would like to be included in the Hall of Heroes are asked to submit a photo of themselves in uniform to the high school. Submission of  an 8x10 photograph can be made in person at the high school office or emailed to Corey Mikula, assistant principal, at [email protected].  When submitting a photo for inclusion, the high school asks that the submission also include the name of the service member, branch of service and year of graduation from Coal City High School.